Posts by Category: hmm..interesting

Mmm…wonder if it works?

Eco Friendly May 3, 2019 posted by

Amazon One Day Shipping – the new standard might not be great for the Earth

Amazon shipping is moving towards one day shipping on orders for Prime members and although this is exciting for everyone getting packages, it’s not such great news for the environment. That instant gratification delivery can mean an increase in carbon footprints across the board.

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Amazon One Day Shipping – the new standard might not be great for the Earth
hmm..interesting April 26, 2019 posted by

Do Personal Changes Help Climate Change – well, they don’t hurt

Changing your personal habits is a popular reaction to climate change issues but scientist aren’t so sure that our small lifestyle changes will be even close to enough to make a real difference. What is clear is that companies and governments making mass changes will. So the advice? Keep fighting for policy changes and accountability for corporations but make the changes that you can and encourage others as well.

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Do Personal Changes Help Climate Change – well, they don’t hurt
hmm..interesting April 26, 2019 posted by

NYC vs Climate Change – the city has dramatic plans for the disappearing coastlines

The changing climate won’t just impact the weather. With the warmer temperatures, the world is going to be looking at many disappearing coastlines, many of which people, you know, live along. Rather than just waiting for everything to sink, New York City is looking at a radical plan to prepare for it and it may outline how the rest of the world handles the same problems.

Continue Reading »NYC vs Climate Change – the city has dramatic plans for the disappearing coastlines
NYC vs Climate Change – the city has dramatic plans for the disappearing coastlines
Eco Friendly April 25, 2019 posted by

Small Changes Matter – smaller changes at sensitive times may have large impact on climate

It’s going to take a lot to make the sort of changes we need to disrupt climate change, everyone knows that, right? Well, maybe that’s not exactly true. Maybe a small push, at just the right time, might be good too. Researchers have proposed a new theory, that smaller changes enacted at critical points might help to turn back the clock on the changing world.

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Small Changes Matter – smaller changes at sensitive times may have large impact on climate
hmm..interesting April 19, 2019 posted by

To Unplug or Not – some things to consider before going offline

Have you considered unplugging? Most of us are online a lot and familiar with the concept of “unplugging” when it comes to or digital devices and the networks therein but is the practice really beneficial? This article raises some questions that you might want to ask yourself before you unplug.

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To Unplug or Not – some things to consider before going offline
hmm..interesting April 17, 2019 posted by

Safe Zone Gunfire Detection – find out sooner if there’s an active shooter

Active shooter situations are very, very scary and for people in the US they are becoming a larger part of all of our realities. Safe Zone Gunfire Detection is an active shooter detector system that can alert police to shooters faster which will hopefully save more lives.

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Safe Zone Gunfire Detection – find out sooner if there’s an active shooter
Eco Friendly April 8, 2019 posted by

What’s the Carbon Count? – Guardian to publish daily count alongside the weather

CO2 levels are sort of an abstract idea when it comes to the public. They are very real, and can be measured in real ways but most people really only here about them yearly, or when some big report comes out that manages to come across their radar. The Guardian wants to change that by reporting the CO2 level daily with the rest of the weather.

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What’s the Carbon Count? – Guardian to publish daily count alongside the weather
hmm..interesting April 8, 2019 posted by

AI Judges – Estonia wants to replace government workers with AI

The world is becoming more automated, anyone paying even a little bit of attention is likely aware of that. AI is being used in a variety of ways for research to news reporting in our fast paced society but in Estonia, they want to take it further. They want to bring AI into the court room.

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AI Judges – Estonia wants to replace government workers with AI
hmm..interesting April 5, 2019 posted by

Microsoft Books Store Closing – readers have to July to read what they brought

Most people buy their ebooks from Google, Apple, and Amazon but there are other retailers out there. One of of which was Microsoft until recently. The company is shuttering the service and this means that people will lose access to the books they’ve brought, a long time problem with digital media.

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Microsoft Books Store Closing – readers have to July to read what they brought
hmm..interesting April 1, 2019 posted by

Nuclear Future – the hunt for clean energy may already be over

Nuclear power causes no emissions and generates energy but we’re not to keen on jumping on that bandwagon because despite its high points, reactor meltdowns are real and still a part of modern memory. Still, with the idea of it being a “clean” energy, is it possible that it will make a come back? Some people say yes.

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Nuclear Future – the hunt for clean energy may already be over
hmm..interesting March 27, 2019 posted by

Tough Houseplants – start here if you want to garden but have a black thumb

Adding a little green to your household or office can really brighten things up around the place. Plus they freshen the air if you get enough of them going. What’s that you say? You don’t exactly have a green thumb? No worries, here’s a handy list of really hard to kill house plants.

Continue Reading »Tough Houseplants – start here if you want to garden but have a black thumb
Tough Houseplants – start here if you want to garden but have a black thumb