Posts by Category: Science


hmm..interesting September 17, 2019 posted by

Ozone Hole Smaller than Normal – smallest it has been in thirty years

We’ve been hearing about the hole in the ozone layer since the 80s. Man made chemicals caused it and there was a substantial push for those chemicals to be taken out of production. Which is great. The hole this year is the smallest it’s been in the thirty years! But it has nothing to do with human effort.

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Ozone Hole Smaller than Normal – smallest it has been in thirty years
Eco Friendly September 10, 2019 posted by

edumper – this massive electric dump truck never needs charged

Construction trucks are cool. There’s just something weirdly fascinating about them although the allure of the eDumper isn’t a mystery. This is a giant dump truck that runs on electricity and never needs to be plugged in. It works with regenerative braking and this article breaks down that concept.

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edumper – this massive electric dump truck never needs charged
Eco Friendly September 6, 2019 posted by

The Great Sundew – this hungry little plant is getting a second chance

Some good news from the world of plants. The Great Sundew, an endangered species native to parts of England, is getting a second chance in the wild as a new conservation effort has started up. Might be worth noting that despite it’s gentle name, these little guys are carnivorous.

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The Great Sundew – this hungry little plant is getting a second chance
hmm..interesting July 24, 2019 posted by

Stratospheric Aerosol Injection – a radical solution to climate change

There are many ideas for things we can do on the ground to help lesson the damage of climate change, many of which are already in development or being used today. That being said, there’s still room for radical solutions like dumping sulfate particles into the stratosphere, called stratospheric aerosol injection, to protect us from the sun. Science fiction sounding? Yes but it’s a real suggestion.

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Stratospheric Aerosol Injection – a radical solution to climate change
Eco Friendly July 19, 2019 posted by

Non-Washing Clothes – wear a t-shirt for days and days without washing it

Not having to do laundry ever again is the future we all want. And bonus, less laundry is better for the environment. There are a couple of brands that offer clothes that can last without a tumble in the wash but are they really better and do they actually work? As it turns out, the answer is yes.

Continue Reading »Non-Washing Clothes – wear a t-shirt for days and days without washing it
Non-Washing Clothes – wear a t-shirt for days and days without washing it
Eco Friendly July 18, 2019 posted by

Big Butterfly Count – help track this year’s butterfly migration

Science needs help again. This time in counting butterflies. Which is about as whimsical and lovely as one can get to be honest. A giant migration of butterflies has caused scientists to ask the public for help in counting millions of them in the UK. You can join the Big Butterfly Count and help out!

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Big Butterfly Count – help track this year’s butterfly migration
future tech July 4, 2019 posted by

Plastic Eating Bacteria – microorganisms in the fight against pollution

Plastic waste is a huge problem because we rely on the material for many, many things. Not just grocery bags and packaging either. Medical equipment, tech devices, inexpensive textiles, etc. The list is really endless. One day we may be able to dispose of plastic the same way we do food waste, with bacteria. Plastic eating bacteria isn’t here yet but it’s looking better and better for our future.

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Plastic Eating Bacteria – microorganisms in the fight against pollution
hmm..interesting March 22, 2019 posted by

Science Feedback – check out this network of scientists fighting back against misleading news

Reading the news can be scary. Our practical minds know that headlines are meant to pull us in and articles are written with bias. In a perfect world we’ll do our research but sometimes we just don’t have the time. When it comes to science articles, Science Feedback is the site that sorts out the news so you know what to trust.

Continue Reading »Science Feedback – check out this network of scientists fighting back against misleading news
Science Feedback – check out this network of scientists fighting back against misleading news
hmm..interesting March 18, 2019 posted by

Climate Change Now – report shows that we’re already suffering

Climate change is something that we tend to think about in future terms. Which is to say we have to do something now because tomorrow (many years from now) will be bad if we don’t but this isn’t the case. Climate change is hurting us right now and people are not really so aware of that but they should be.

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Climate Change Now – report shows that we’re already suffering
future tech March 15, 2019 posted by

Sound Transmitted by Lasers – MIT develops way to transmit sound through lasers

So what if you want to whisper a secret to your buddy across the room? Right now you probably get their attention and then mouth it or text them. But in the future, the answer could be freaking lasers! Researchers from MIT who clearly spend time and money on mad scientist ideas, have developed a system that can transmit sound through lasers.

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Sound Transmitted by Lasers – MIT develops way to transmit sound through lasers