heh heh! posted by

Hyper Dog Ball Launcher takes playing �fetch� to new heights

Playing fetch with your pooch can be a bit tiring sometimes. You want to haul back and throw it as hard as possible, as you don’t want your pup to come back in less than two seconds, but you also don’t want to put your shoulder out of socket. Dogs have quite a bit more energy than we do most of the time, so do you overexert yourself trying to wear out your furry friend, or find an alternative way to tire them out first?

Obviously we’re going to need a little help if we want to tire out our dogs first, which is where the Hyper Dog Ball Launcher comes in. It can scoop up the ball, and fire it about 220 feet, which makes things pretty easy on your end. All you need do is pull back the launcher, and watch it fly. No more slobbery hands from picking up the ball, and only costs about $22.



  • Looks great for urban terrorists wanting to lob improvised projectiles at the authorities or plate glass office frontings.
    Catapults are, of course, banned in the Netherlands – unless it's a tiny one for scattering breadcrumbs while you're angling.

  • It looks "far-fetched" :-)

    • Kindly leave the premises. :)

  • Yea, but he's having a ball.

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