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10 Cool Last Minute Gifts Under $50 For The Geek In Your Life

6. iPhone To Television Karaoke Player – $49.95


This phone dock not only charges the handset, but also comes with an integrated Karaoke player system, which lets you torture the world with your rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody at all times of the night and day. The unit plugs into a standard television set and comes with a microphone and an app which includes five songs. Sadly you can also purchase 7,000 more tracks online or stream songs from YouTube if you intend to inflict mass pain. Buy It Here.

7. Kuchi-Paku Lion Animal Speaker – $37.79


No matter what your favorite geek has in their life, they will unquestionably not have a lip-synching, gyrating, smartphone friendly lion speaker like this. If they do, seek help immediately. Not only will this strangely named creature have you all in fits of laughter, but if you hook up a microphone instead of your Android or iPhone handset, he will start lip-synching to your words. Of course it’s also a fairly decent sounding speaker as well, bonus eh? Buy It Here.

8. BikeGlow Beacon – $34.99


Visibility is such a crucial part of bicycling safety, and it’s amazing there are not more innovative products out there to offer more. This new LED strip and tail-light combo is a great way to make sure the bike stays visible on all sides in the gloom, and it’s cool enough to appeal to even the most gnarly biker. It’s waterproof, fits any bicycle and provides over 120 hours of light from a pair of AA batteries. Buy It Here.

9. iHealth Bluetooth Scales For iPhone – $49.95


This type of high tech weighing scale usually retail for a lot more than this, so it makes it something of a bargain to find them under $50. The scales wirelessly transmit readings to your iPhone or iPad via Bluetooth and keeps a track of your weight as it fluctuates up and down. There’s also a free app which lets you input your daily food and exercise stats to help you stay on the straight and narrow. Hopefully. Buy It Here.

10. Dr Who Desktop Patrol Dalek – $39.99


Everybody in the world is only 6 steps away from a Dr Who fan, so this fun electronic robot should be right up geek street in a big way. The villainous creature will remorselessly patrol any desktop it is placed on without falling off the edge, thanks to a set of ingenious edge detectors. And just to heighten the pleasure it will emit the iconic ‘exterminate‘ at every turn. Sorry, but if that doesn’t curl your toes, you’re definitely toe-less. There is an audio off switch you’ll be relieved to know. Buy It Here.

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