15 to Fame is an interesting little take on Warhol’s claim that one day we’ll all be famous for 15 minutes. The site features a single YouTube video on the front page which anyone can use to show off their skillz and gain notoriety. Of course you’ll need to wait until the site gets a million visitors a day to really make it fly, but hey…stranger things have LOLCatz happened.
[one hint guys: zero sign-up needed!]
15tofame is the best place for new talent to be discovered. For anyone that wants to showcase their talent it’s the perfect place. With so many videos out there in cyberspace, it’s a wonder how some get seen at all. If you want your video to become the next viral sensation, you’ve got to make it a cut above the rest. 15tofame is the tool to do this. What better way to generate buzz than by launching a viral campaign?