Not so sure that this is quite as cool, but if you’re in the right country it could be very useful. Ladies and Gennlemen, I present to you the world’s first Anti Mosquito software package. Written by a Thai programmer with obviously too much time on his hands. Apparently it works by broadcasting an audible sound at a mosquito unfriendly frequency around your PC. Clears the little pests for up to a 2 metres radius from the PC. Won’t run…
Read MoreMonthly Archives: January 2002
Some nice bits in from Mike’s List today. First up is this neat little 1GB plug in USB drive. The $900.00 price is not so hot, but these things are becoming way too cool for prices to remain this high. The convenience of carrying around a gig of storage (wow you could transport your whole library on a keyring! is just too neat. One thing though is that I’ve found that they’re not that transparent in terms of installation –…
Read MoreI like new cool tools, and this simple utility is a doozy. Daily Rotation sits there in your Windows tray and with one left click of your mouse button you can load your next favourite Web page onto the screen. Simply load up the pages you go to a lot and off you go. Nice.
Read MoreYou’ve got to hand it to Michael Robertson, late of MP3 fame, he really does know how to work the media. Here, courtesy of the new and very cool Chris Pirillo.exe are some screen shots of his new Lindows product. For those with short memories, this is the ‘Linux running Windows programs’ gig. Keep up at the back there!
Read MoreI have been slowly coming round to the idea that I should protect my vulnerable Outlook Express mail package from the nasty people out there who seem to want to damage it (and me!) by investing in some sort of guard. I toyed briefly with changing altogether to Pegasus, or The Bat or Eudora, (not bad!) but after having played with each of them, came to the conclusion that none offered everything that OE did. So I was really glad…
Read MoreAnother cool find is Yolosema, a weirdly named but increasingly useful search plug in for Internet Explorer. The first version I tried was a bit suspect, but the latest version is starting to look and act as if it could be a really useful addition to the browser task bar. One of the coolest things is the text highlight button which lets you add a Google cache-like colour highlight to text on any Web page. Which makes it a breeze…
Read MoreI remember looking at a bit of software called Sensiva a while back which let you control your computer using a nifty method of on screen commands with your right mouse button. It was very cool, but didn’t work brilliantly and seemed a little too big to hover around in memory. Now I’ve just come across this neat little alternative freeware called Stroke-it! which does it better, is smaller and doesn’t cost the $19.95 of Sensiva. It’s the first cool…
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