Monthly Archives: February 2002

general February 1, 2002 posted by

What is it about housing today? The Microflat is a concept for solving the housing shortage in the world’s capitals by cramming folks into very tiny boxes. Excuse me, but I thought that the Japanese had figured this out with their capsule hotels several tight fitting decades ago. Sheesh!

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general February 1, 2002 posted by

Bob ‘Mr Silicon Valley’ Cringely has popped up with yet another nice little find. His latest report looks at Rainmaker Technologies, a company that thinks it has the $10 answer to increasing the world’s bandwidth by improving the modulation of the signal down the wire. Basically they reckon that they can get 10 times the amount of data down a wire without having to do very much plumbing. Everyone who uses the Internet will realize that this is a GOOD…

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general February 1, 2002 posted by

Hoax or not? This little article in CNN Tech (already taken apart by Slashdot note) reports that an Irish inventor has done the impossible and created a machine – the Jasker Power System – which will power devices whilst delivering extra power from its operation. Quote: ‘In a demonstration for Reuters, a prototype — roughly the size of a dishwasher — was run for around 10 minutes using four 12-volt car batteries as an initial power source. Emitting a steady…

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