Yearly Archives: 2008

Bookmark This! February 1, 2008 posted by

Revolutioneyes – try out those fab and funky styles from the comfort of your own ego

Revolutioneyes is an online virtual eyewear mirror which lets you try on your choice of product before you buy. It’s a clever idea, all you have to do is upload your own photo and pick the model and styles you want to test. Now if only they had spent just a little more time on making the Photoshop representations of the products look better, it would be perfect. As it is, 7 out of 10 for the implementation. Looks cool though, don’t he?…

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Bookmark This! February 1, 2008 posted by

Ear & Hearing Test – wassat, whatyasay…?

Ear & Hearing Test. Neat little freeware tool you can download to test your hearing ear by ear. It’s not a substitute for a proper test of course (so back down Dr Dre) but it’s cool nonetheless. I now know that I’m missing a bit of my top end (*sob*), which probably comes from too many late night Led Zep sessions in the cans. Ah well… Needs .NET. Nice one Johannes!  The program is designed to give you a quick…

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Bookmark This! February 1, 2008 posted by

$1.00 DIY Camera Stabilizer – working with the string theory

$1.00 DIY Camera Stabilzer. Interesting video how-to on making your own ghetto camera stabilizer. Not sure how well it will work in practice, but it makes for a fun show. If you’re into video, you’ll want to check out the very cool Poor Man’s Steadicam (which we’ve featured before I think). Tags: $1+camera+stabilizer, video, photography

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cool tech February 1, 2008 posted by

Garmin GPS Nuvifone – sweet, sweet, sweeeeet…?

Garmin Nuvifone. If this GPS, HSDPA, camera toting cell phone with Google local search and image geo-tagged navigation a la NavPix works as well as it looks…watch out iPhone. Just saying…  The built-in camera allows individuals to take a picture that will automatically be tagged with the exact latitude and longitude reference of where the image was taken. The user may then save the image so they can navigate back to the location, or email the image to a recipient who can…

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Gadgets January 31, 2008 posted by

iLuv i1155 8.4 inch DVD Player iPod Dock – mix and match your multimedia playback with style

iLuv i1155 Multimedia Player with iPod Dock. Pretty slick looking pro-duct, plays DVDs and your iPod video on the 8.4 inch TFT LCD screen. Copes with 5G iPods (as well as the Nano via an adapter) and comes with a Lithium Polymer rechargeable battery and a car adapter to make it truly portable. Oh and the remote control works with the docked iPod too, which is neato shmeato. $249.99.  Play back from DVD or your iPod video through the 8.4″…

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cool tech January 31, 2008 posted by

Unity Telephone – satisfying your deepest cell phone, land line and Bluetooth needs

The Unity Telephone offers instant convergence between your mobile and landline phones via cable and, more interestingly, Bluetooth. This means you can wirelessly share your phone directory between the two, as well as texting, one touch cell phone dialling and a bunch of other goodies to make your life more complete. Looks good for people who want to use up their mobile service minutes while at home. The device will pair up with 8 mobile handsets, although you can only use one of them…

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cool tech January 31, 2008 posted by

Boiling water with sound waves? – new invention baffles scientist

A 92 year old New Zealander is claiming to have invented a product which can boil water using sound. The as yet unnamed device, which looks like a smooth silver golf ball, is baffling scientists, or at least one particular professor who’s taken a look. It could of course be a huge prank, but if it isn’t, it’ll be a pretty cool gadget to have in your cubicle or kitchen. This news report video is interesting. [Via Boingboing]  A 92-year-old Christchurch inventor…

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Bookmark This! January 31, 2008 posted by

Super Zoom – you want to see just how close satellite images can get…?

Super Zoom. Looks like those satellite images from space are coming closer, apparently equivalent to looking out of a 10 story window. I swear I can see a guy picking his nose near HMS Belfast. Yikes. Be prepared for some scary stuff coming down the pipe in the future.  The image quality is three times better than Google Maps and Microsoft Live Maps and streets ahead of Multimap. For an average screen resolution,’s Super Zoom shows 1.5 metres on the ground for…

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Bookmark This! January 31, 2008 posted by

10 universities offering free writing courses online – the moving finger writes and having writ, moves on…

10 Universities offering free writing courses online. Tell me something. Why do education sites in the USA always *look* like education sites? You know, with that weird banner, book logo, typeface, nav bar thing? Is there a club or something? Anyhoo, here’s a nice offer for you budding ‘Emmingways. Lots of juicy writing courses for you to enjoy and profit from. Go for it! [Via Metafilter]  Whether you are a current writer or looking to break into the craft, formal…

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Bookmark This! January 31, 2008 posted by

Open Domain – free open source web domains for you to use as you wish

Open Domain. What a fascinating idea, chile. An offer of free domains to use for worthy causes (commercial or otherwise) for no charge at all. You don’t get to keep the domains, you can just use them for nothing. No pop-ups, objectionable content, spam, copyright breaking etc. Lovely idea guys!  We have many domains that are planned for future development, that due to time constraints, we are unable to use at this time. We are firm believers of the internet…

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Gadgets January 30, 2008 posted by

TearDrop Water Resistant iPod Speaker – don’t splash, just listen…

TearDrop Water Resistant iPod Speaker. It’s probably important to state at this point that although these bathroom friendly speakers may be resistant to water, your iPod almost certainly isn’t. So do be careful not to drop it anywhere damp, won’t you? $58.00.  A delightful addition to the bathroom ambiance. This imaginative water-resistant iPod speaker is operated on batteries, allowing your favorite music to surround you anywhere you are…bathrooms, kitchens, backyards, or even beaches! Hottest GIFT item in Japan this holiday…

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Gadgets January 30, 2008 posted by

World Time Zone TV Remote Control Watch – watch shows from countries in different time zones

World Time Zone TV Remote Control Watch. It’s clear that this TV remote control watch offers a lot less than the sum of its total wordage. What does that mean? About as much as the world time zone bevel round the edge of the dial, dear reader. $12.50.  This watch can control many kinds of brand TV VCR and DVD. It only needs a CR2032 LI battery to supply the power. When the display is not clear or the control…

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Gadgets January 30, 2008 posted by

PlantWatcher – new device automatically waters your plants through root suction

PlantWatcher. New gizmo claims to revolutionise unattended plant watering by using a special sensor to deliver just the right amount of H2O for the plant’s needs. It all sounds very clever, and with a single unit delivering enough water for a 12 inch pot plant for a month, very useful. I’d love to try one out and see if it delivers on the promise. Priced from $7.95 for the smallest size pot.  Because root demand turns the PlantWatcher on and off,…

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