Monthly Archives: August 2013

heh heh! August 2, 2013 posted by

Clean freaks rejoice, for the Broom Groomer Broom Dustpan exists!

Cleaning is not necessarily an enjoyable thing, but the end result is pleasing enough that we want to keep up with it. While a broom and dust pan can pick up a lot of mess, there are a few drawbacks. You have to bend over to sweep up your dust pile, and those of us with pets or long hair have a problem with keeping dust bunnies off of the end of the bristles.

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Clean freaks rejoice, for the Broom Groomer Broom Dustpan exists!
yeah, right! August 2, 2013 posted by

Suction Bungee is just waiting to break something

There are times when you see something online that you can admire for artistic vision, versatility, or good craftsmanship. Then there are other items that come onto your screen in which you question the sanity of the creator. Normally there are good intentions behind these ideas, but practicality isn’t always prevalent.

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Suction Bungee is just waiting to break something
hmm..interesting August 1, 2013 posted by

Footscrubber will keep your feet neat

There isn’t really an ‘easy button’ for life. You’re going to face days where you’re tired and sore, without much you can do about it. The only course of action is to look at things with a positive attitude, drink some caffeine, and be as nice as possible to your body so it doesn’t give out on you.

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Footscrubber will keep your feet neat