Monthly Archives: December 2016

Free Software December 22, 2016 posted by

Darkr – the darkroom for your smartphone

Darkroom photography is still a thing but it’s not a practice that many people can get into, no matter how interested they are. There are specific supplies, space, and a good deal of time one needs to support that hobby. Thankfully, there’s an app for that. Darkr is the app that lets you develop digital images as if you’re in a physical darkroom.

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Darkr – the darkroom for your smartphone
Eco Friendly December 19, 2016 posted by

Avani Eco Bags – the totally biodegradable “plastic” bags

We all probably have a bag of plastic bags in our house. I don’t mean garbage bags, I mean bags from grocery stores and gas stations that we’re saving up to reuse because we know just throwing them out is wasteful but eventually, they’re going to end up in a landfill or worse. With Avani Eco Bags, you can just toss them because these bags are 100% biodegradable and safe.

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Avani Eco Bags – the totally biodegradable “plastic” bags