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3-in-1 iPad adapter does more than Apple’s official offering

I tend to get a bit of flack from people, since I use a lot of Apple’s gadgets. It’s true that I do love the ones I have, but I’m not blind to the company’s shortcomings. One such is the lack of an SD card reader or USB port on the iPad. I’d love to see either one of those, but you have to purchase a special adapter to get either one. What’s more, is that for some reason they didn’t stick both on the same adapter. No, you have to deal with two if you want both a USB port and SD reader. Thankfully there is another option.

Rather than giving more cash to Apple, you can grab one of these 3-in-1 iPad Camera Connection Kits from MICGadget. Not only do you get a USB port and SD reader, but they toss in a microSD reader as well. Makes you wonder why Apple didn’t do this in the first place. Whatever the reason, I’d rather spend my $30 on one adapter, instead of two.

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