Once upon a time, Tiny URL was enough, then came bi.tly now there’s 3.ly. It does everything the others do, but with less characters wasted at the start. You want to provide a URL preview, just bung a – at the end. Message ends.
Threely. The 3 Letter URL Shortener … The Shortest in the World.
Tags: threely, 3ly, 3+ly, url+shortener
And what does this have to do with a Sinclair C5?
Actually not much Steven but it's short and it's got three wheels.
What would you have used to illustrate it? :)
I'm glad I'm a gentleman.
Otherwise I might say something crude.
I like that little car! I really like Threely too! 3.ly makes the shortest URLs ever… thanks for the info/introduction to this shortener!