Posts by Category: Eco Friendly

All things green and planet saving.

Eco Friendly November 27, 2019 posted by

Drop In Coal Numbers – after decades, this power source is dropping just a bit

In case you didn’t realize, coal is bad for the environment. Burning it as a fuel source causes a ton of emissions. Mining it isn’t great either as it causes life long health problems for the people who do. There’s a glimmer of good news though, for the first time in decades, there’s been a drop in coal based electricity production. Yay!

Continue Reading »Drop In Coal Numbers – after decades, this power source is dropping just a bit
Drop In Coal Numbers – after decades, this power source is dropping just a bit
Eco Friendly November 26, 2019 posted by

These Plants Will Up Your Air Quality – NASA confirms that these office plants make for a cleaner space

Plants are really good at cleaning the air. Like, they love doing that which is great for us because we are not so great at it. NASA looked into the air cleaning quality of house plants and found the top eighteen for cleaning our air.

Continue Reading »These Plants Will Up Your Air Quality – NASA confirms that these office plants make for a cleaner space
These Plants Will Up Your Air Quality – NASA confirms that these office plants make for a cleaner space
Eco Friendly November 25, 2019 posted by

Climate Change Will Destroy Landmarks – changing weather and heat will make our world unrecognizable

Climate change is a danger not to just the future but also our past as well. The extreme weather and temperature changes can become a danger to various historic sites around the world. In some cases, completely destroy them.

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Climate Change Will Destroy Landmarks – changing weather and heat will make our world unrecognizable
Eco Friendly November 25, 2019 posted by

Climate Change and VR – planners use headsets to hopefully help us avoid a bad end

Everyone has heard that sea levels will rise and that there will be flooding, fires, and drought all due to climate change. But what does that actually mean? What does it look like for the people who will be affected? Climate researchers and planners are using virtual reality to show people what it will really be like to encourage more to act against it.

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Climate Change and VR – planners use headsets to hopefully help us avoid a bad end
Eco Friendly November 22, 2019 posted by

The Fossil Fuel of Tomorrow – new production will be just as dirty and should be stopped, today

Research confirms, making plans to deal with emissions is great and all but if we keep extracting fossil fuels, we’re not going to be able to meet emission goals. In order to reach the goals to keep the planet safe, one thing is clear, we’ve got to move away from fossil fuels but not everyone is on board.

Continue Reading »The Fossil Fuel of Tomorrow – new production will be just as dirty and should be stopped, today
The Fossil Fuel of Tomorrow – new production will be just as dirty and should be stopped, today
Eco Friendly November 22, 2019 posted by

Labour Proposes Radical Idea – remove corporations from Stock Exchange who don’t clean up

In a radical move, the Labour party plans to de-list companies who do not take action on climate change if they are a source of emissions or other risk factors, from the Stock Exchange. This sort of drastic approach to force companies to take responsibility is becoming more common and may be what is needed to turn the tide on the issue.

Continue Reading »Labour Proposes Radical Idea – remove corporations from Stock Exchange who don’t clean up
Labour Proposes Radical Idea – remove corporations from Stock Exchange who don’t clean up
Eco Friendly November 22, 2019 posted by

LESS – the toilet coating that saves water

In order to save water, many people have turned to taking shorter (and sometimes less) showers. That’s great but there’s another spot in your bathroom where you could save. Your toilet. Some people just flush less but if that doesn’t seem like something you would be good with, there may be some hope in the future. LESS is a coating that makes the inside of your toilet so slippery nothing can stick to it.

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LESS – the toilet coating that saves water
Eco Friendly November 18, 2019 posted by

Six Changes for Climate Change – an outline of six things that can be done now

Combating climate change seems like a tall order. The world is swiftly heating up and we’re already buckling under the effects of this issue. All hope is not lost however. Here are six things that can be done by individuals and governments to help help slow down the rising temperatures.

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Six Changes for Climate Change – an outline of six things that can be done now