Posts by Category: Eco Friendly

All things green and planet saving.

Eco Friendly March 23, 2020 posted by

Does Your Park Feed You? – new study shows that public green space could fight food scarcity

Food scarcity is one of the big concerns in the climate crisis. Most people don’t live in an rural area so they probably think that they can’t grow their own food but it turns out that growing food in the city on empty land and it could feed a lot of people.

Continue Reading »Does Your Park Feed You? – new study shows that public green space could fight food scarcity
Does Your Park Feed You? – new study shows that public green space could fight food scarcity
Eco Friendly March 13, 2020 posted by

Ice Is Melting Faster Than Thought – massive losses for Greenland and Antarctica

Ice loss is speeding up and this is not great. The more ice that melts, the higher the seas rise which puts more people in danger from coastal flooding and displacement. Doing what we can to slow the climate crisis is one thing but we must all be prepared for a world where our coasts are different.

Continue Reading »Ice Is Melting Faster Than Thought – massive losses for Greenland and Antarctica
Ice Is Melting Faster Than Thought – massive losses for Greenland and Antarctica
Eco Friendly March 12, 2020 posted by

Moral Foundation Theory – the key in uniting discussion around the climate crisis

Talking about climate change is politically polarizing. It shouldn’t be, we all live on the same planet, together, but the subject has been taken up by political circles and people tend to fall on different sides of the debate. But by using moral foundations theory, maybe we can get everyone to agree.

Continue Reading »Moral Foundation Theory – the key in uniting discussion around the climate crisis
Moral Foundation Theory – the key in uniting discussion around the climate crisis
Eco Friendly March 12, 2020 posted by

Don’t Touch Ya Face – the web app to stop you from touching your face

In conjunction with washing your hands, you should also stop touching your face. Trust me, you do this more than you think you do. We all do. If you’re finding yourself struggling with this, check out the web app, Don’t Touch Ya Face, the app that will remind you not touch your. . . face.

Continue Reading »Don’t Touch Ya Face – the web app to stop you from touching your face
Don’t Touch Ya Face – the web app to stop you from touching your face
Eco Friendly March 11, 2020 posted by

Rust Powered – new breakthrough uses rust as secret ingredient in hydrogen fuel

The world runs on energy. A lot of it and we need to move away from emission causing energy sources. Hydrogen fuels have been one that researchers look towards. A new breakthrough using, of all things, rust lead to a massive production of hydrogen that is potentially safer.

Continue Reading »Rust Powered – new breakthrough uses rust as secret ingredient in hydrogen fuel
Rust Powered – new breakthrough uses rust as secret ingredient in hydrogen fuel
Eco Friendly March 11, 2020 posted by

The Climate Crisis Is Now – parts of the world are already feeling the change

We talk about the climate crisis as if it is a future event but we’re already being affected by it all over the world. You’ve no doubt heard about the warm year we just had but it’s not just the heat. We’re already seeing food shortages, floods, and other issues.

Continue Reading »The Climate Crisis Is Now – parts of the world are already feeling the change
The Climate Crisis Is Now – parts of the world are already feeling the change
Eco Friendly March 11, 2020 posted by

Biomass Fuels Are Super Clean – long term study shows promising results

Fossil fuels are just don’t have a future with us if we want to have a future. Science is working on alternatives and as it turns out, biomass fuels are one way that we can shift the tides on climate change. These fuels, made of various plants, can actually reduce carbon.

Continue Reading »Biomass Fuels Are Super Clean – long term study shows promising results
Biomass Fuels Are Super Clean – long term study shows promising results
Eco Friendly March 10, 2020 posted by

Bring Your Own Take Out Containers – California passes new law allowing diners to bring their own Tupperware

A new law in California makes it possible for diners to bring their own take out containers to eateries and although this sounds great, it turns out letting people use their own Tupperware is quite a hassle. Still, this could cut down on one, very specific type of waste overall.

Continue Reading »Bring Your Own Take Out Containers – California passes new law allowing diners to bring their own Tupperware
Bring Your Own Take Out Containers – California passes new law allowing diners to bring their own Tupperware
Eco Friendly March 9, 2020 posted by

Forward Osmosis – this wastewater treatment may lead to new breakthroughs

Wastewater can’t be used for much of anything. In fact, it’s pretty much not able to be used for anything at all, unless it’s been treated. Forward osmosis may provide a cost effective way to clean water in the future to bring more options for wastewater that isn’t consumable.

Continue Reading »Forward Osmosis – this wastewater treatment may lead to new breakthroughs
Forward Osmosis – this wastewater treatment may lead to new breakthroughs
Eco Friendly March 9, 2020 posted by

Trees Aren’t Doing So Hot – climate change is effecting untouched forests

Trees are really important in the climate crisis. The carbon sinks that tropical forests provide, specifically, have been seen as a sort of savior during climate change. The trees absorb the carbon and actually do great with the extra carbon dioxide in the air. But unfortunately they’re not doing so great with the other issues with climate change and may be putting more carbon into the air as they die.

Continue Reading »Trees Aren’t Doing So Hot – climate change is effecting untouched forests
Trees Aren’t Doing So Hot – climate change is effecting untouched forests
Eco Friendly March 5, 2020 posted by

Plastic That Breaks Down In The Ocean Can Happen – but there’s a catch

Making plastic that degrade in the ocean isn’t impossible, it’s VERY doable in a number of different ways in fact! But it turns out that implementing such things in a cost effective manner is a bit beyond us at this time so lets not ignore immediate benefits of the Three R’s, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Continue Reading »Plastic That Breaks Down In The Ocean Can Happen – but there’s a catch
Plastic That Breaks Down In The Ocean Can Happen – but there’s a catch
Eco Friendly March 4, 2020 posted by

Water and Cattle – beef production uses major water but not how you think

If you care about the environment you have likely lowered if not all together ended eating beef. It’s been well publicized that beef production is at the root of many environmental issues but one that is often overlooked is the water shortages it causes. Watering crops for cattle consumption is really sucking US rivers dry.

Continue Reading »Water and Cattle – beef production uses major water but not how you think
Water and Cattle – beef production uses major water but not how you think
Eco Friendly March 4, 2020 posted by

Cooking Oil to 3D Printing – new research develops a way to recycle oil

If you cook you’ve probably got a jar of used oil sitting somewhere near your stove. Hopefully you’re not dumping it down the drain. Most people put it out with the trash but what if you could recycle it? Researchers from the University of Toronto have devised a way to turn used oil from McDonald’s into 3D printing resin that is biodegradable.

Continue Reading »Cooking Oil to 3D Printing – new research develops a way to recycle oil
Cooking Oil to 3D Printing – new research develops a way to recycle oil