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Urilift – pop up public urinal makes a Dr Who type appearance when the pubs shut


The Urilift public urinal lurks underground all day like some strange nocturnal beast, and then rises majestically at 10pm every evening just in time to satisfy the urgent need of drunkards looking for somewhere to relieve themselves. Goodness only knows what this does to your mental state if you’re intoxicated and happen to be standing next to, or on top of the thing when it starts to rise. You’ll probably take months to recover from the shock.

Anyway, you get a full 5 hours to relieve yourself before the thing does a Tardis and disappears back into the ground again. Just make sure you’re not still in it, OK?

This post has been brought to you by the Weird Habits and Products of Human Beings Society.

 The two-metre high, stainless steel construction containing three urinals, will be stored underground during the day. It will pop up at 10pm and drop down again at approximately 3am every day… A council spokesman said: “We intend to use the pop-up loo to tackle the problem of people urinating in shop doorways and on the streets of our town centre…”


  • What happens at 3am when it's about to retract? Is there a massive warning klaxon like a U-boat disaster?

  • What do people with the urge do in the daytime? This kind of facility should be available 24/7. Thanks to nifty little disposable paper gutters women can also use this and save a lot of discomfort and embarrassment.
    There used to be publicly funded public toilets all over the place but the (local) authorities have done away with them to their shame.

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