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Treasure Seeker Shoes – walk like a pirate, matey


These Treasure Seeker Shoes (aka metal detector) promise to make pirate maps obsolete. After all who needs a tatty piece of paper with parrot droppings on it, when you can simply walk around a bit and locate those dubloons at will? OK, so they’re probably not as accurate as, say Bluebeard’s memoirs, but at least you’ll win Geek of the Beach award. £39.99.

 These Treasure Seekers have the appearance of regular beach or summer wear, but have a nifty pack that straps to your leg and beeps every time your feet pass over a priceless Roman coin. There are three LEDs on the unit – green for normal (nothing detected), yellow for the slightest hint of something that might be worth digging for, and red for full-on ‘pass me that spade, I’m rich beyond my wildest dreams’ mode. Alternatively, if the squall of the beeping alarm is too much for you, you can always set it to vibrate instead.

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