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Maker Factory – free service connects factories with people who need stuff made


Maker Factory is a new free online service which connects factories with people who need stuff made. The seekers post their needs (e.g. a waterproof pedometer) and the quantities wanted, and companies can respond to the request.

The whole service is very sparsely populated at the moment, but this could be a very interesting way to overcome the slump in global manufacturing which is happening at the moment. Of course the big question is how hard is it to tool up for small quantities of products, but where there’s a will…


The site is ostensibly set up with a focus on 3D printing and Computer Controlled production, but there’s no reason why it couldn’t be adapted for more wide reaching products and production facilities. Interesting! Oh and the code is all open source, which is ace.

 MAKERFACTORY is a free service for connecting the emerging network of localized fabrication technologies with people like you who need stuff 3d printed, CNC’ed, or otherwise made.

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