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Giant Green Machine can do 50mph

I may have owned a black Big Wheel when I was a kid, but the fact that someone made one for adults just about blew my mind. A few gentlemen from Parker Brothers who also worked on the Tron Lightcycle have recreated the Green Machine trike as a Harley Davidson Motorcycle. As cool as the Green Machine was as a trike when I was a kid, it is definitely more awesome as a motorcycle.

This trike is built with an 80-inch Harley Davidson Evo engine and can go up to 50 miles per hour. That�s not very fast compared to other bikes, but for a trike that�s like hitting light speed. There are likely some lessons you would need before taking this bike out for a spin because of the giant front wheel, but the looks you would get going down the road on this would be worth it. Hopefully they�ll make more and sell them at some point, because this would most certainly become my main mode of transportation in a heartbeat.


  • I'll take it…

  • steering !?…

  • It needs a pillion though…

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