hmm..interesting posted by

MARPAC White Noise Machine will provide a more peaceful night of sleep

Some of us are blessed with ability to fall asleep quickly, and sleep like a log. Others are woken up by every little noise, and have difficulty falling back asleep if the noise continues. Turning on the TV or listening to music are viable ways to drown out exterior sounds, but they are also somewhat distracting. You may end up staying awake because you want to listen to or watch whatever is playing, which defeats the purpose.

The best solution is to listen to white noise, but how are you going to get that into your room? The answer? The MARPAC Dual Speed Electro-Mechanical White Noise Machine will give you a soft �whooshing� sound at one of two speeds. This will mask any other noises you would prefer not to hear, and hopefully help you get to sleep and let you stay there for a full night. To purchase one of these, you’ll need to have $55 on hand. The only reason this would be better than getting a fan is if you are not fond of additional cooling in your room.

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