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ChargerLearsh (Pro-Series) – at last, an end to forgotten charger cables the world over


How many times have you been off visiting for the weekend and realised when you got home that you’ve forgotten your charger cable in the bedroom or living room of your host’s home? Or that moment when you’re at the office and your realize that your cell only has 30% battery left but you forgot your charger on the bedside table, and there’s still like four hours left in the work day. We’ve all had these terrible moments. The ChargerLeash (Pro-Series) is designed to do away with all that forgetfulness, so we can avoid the pain and unpleasantness.

Despite its name it’s actually a single charge/sync cable. The difference between this one and the ones that come standard with your devices is that those don’t care if you leave them behind. But this cord will beep at you until you remember to unplug and pack him up. As soon as you unplug your device it starts letting out an alarm. With the pro- series there is a snooze option just in case you’re only unplugging for a bit or don’t need the cord for wherever you’re going.

This cord is compatible with most standard digital devices and the six foot long cord should be sufficient for any normal usage. You can have any color you want as long as you want black. The ChargerLeash (Pro-Series) is $22.95.

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