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ZipperMend – clever gadget instantly fixes busted zip pulls


In our private list of annoying problems which happen far too much, the busted zip pull ranks pretty high. And if you’ve ever had it happen to you on a suitcase or coat you’ll know what we mean. For one thing it is such a stupid problem. A tiny one inch bit of metal or plastic breaks off and suddenly life has become ridiculously difficult? Truly annoying. But now a fix has arrived.

ZipperMend is a simple DIY device which you clip onto the stub of the zipper to replace the ‘handle’ and make your life whole again. Trust us, this is one of those products you need to buy, because you’re going to need it one day. The gidget comes in both silver and grey versions, and to attach you just hook and click.


It’s self-locking, so it shouldn’t fall off, and it is almost certainly going to be much much stronger than the original, which is an added bonus if you’re using it on a big chunky suitcase where you’re always zip tugging because you’ve stuffed too much in. Works on purses, bags, cases, boots, and whatever has a zip. $3.99 each.

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