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Artkive – save your kid’s artwork, clutter free

Artkive picture book

It’s June and by now you’re probably done with school for the year. Yay! But with the end of the school year comes a tidal wave of projects, art, and precious examples of how well your child is doing in school. If you can’t bring yourself to trash it all, check out Artkive, the service that lets you save all your child’s work, digitally.

This is sort of like Dropbox but with a focus on just your children’s art. So you can save your Dropbox for other pictures of your kids (or actually backing up and sharing files). Once all the art is uploaded and organized, you can have a book printed out to share with friends and family or just store on your shelf to look back on. Your child feels special; your house isn’t overtaken with mountains of paper.

Artkive app

They also have a concierge service that will scan and organize the work for you for a fee but it might be worth the hassle of not having to deal with it yourself. Artkive is available as an app for both Android and Apple devices, however, the Android version has some issues and it is recommended that you use the web app instead.

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