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Kite Patch – make yourself invisible to tiny blood suckers with this sticker


Mosquitos are the worst. Really, aside from their very needed place in the food chain, they pretty much suck, literally. You can’t just bomb them all from existence (see previous food chain comment) but soon we may be able to keep them from landing on us altogether. The Kite Patch is a sticker that makes you invisible to mosquitos.

The Kite patch uses the same sort of theory that the Kite Spray Repellent uses from the same company but it is in patch form and can be safely stuck to clothing, thereby keeping chemicals off of sensitive skin. While wearing the patch, you’re invisible to those tiny pests as a food item. They won’t land and they won’t suck.

Thousands of people die every year from mosquito-transmitted illnesses not to mention the recent Zika news. Although this is still being developed, this can really go a long way to helping many people avoid the bites that can lead to more than just a few itchy bumps. Check out the website for more information.

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