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Cross Laminated Timber used in a wooden elevator will help reduce carbon emissions

SMARTLAM elevator 1

Buildings account for a surprising amount of the world’s carbon emissions According to the US Green Building Council, roughly 40% of national CO2 emissions come from buildings. But a product called Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) is helping to change that.

SMARTLAM graphic

Used in Europe for several decades, the company SMARTLAM has brought this innovative product to America. This engineered wood building system is a multi-layered solid wood panel consisting of 3 to 9 layers of lumber stacked crosswise and bonded together. Known for its remarkable strength, rigidity and stability, it’s a cost effective replacement for construction’s traditional use of concrete, steel and masonry.

SmartLAM wood elevator shaft 2

The company is currently using CLT for a unique project. A multi-level building currently under construction in Montana will feature a prefabricated wooden elevator shaft that can be assembled on site with only three people and a crane operator, all in a matter of hours. The cost will be significantly less than expected – 70 to 70 percent lower than traditional materials – and will save three weeks off the overall project schedule. This definitely brings more exciting green to the construction industry!

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