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Dino Sphere – this magical ball runs on sunlight and water

We talked about the bioluminescent dinosaurs years ago. If you love the idea of bioluminescent sea life in your home but you’re a bit too “adult” to have a pet dino, check out the Dino Sphere, the softly glowing “pet” inspired by the world’s oceans.

This sphere is full of dinoflagellates, the very long name is what gave inspiration for the original shape of a dinosaur. This one is shaped like a ball and fits comfortably in your hand. It glows by the power of the tiny life forms that are swishing around inside of it. All it needs to survive is sunlight, water, and nutrients.

Which is why this is labeled as “pet” and not “cool desk toy”. These sphere is filled with actual living things that glow blue. As long as they are properly taken care of, they will continue to provide you with a soft magical glow. Slip up and let the temperature get to extreme or forget to retrieve it after it rolls under a bed or desk and all you’ll have is a watery graveyard. The Dino Sphere is $59.99.

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  • Very cool

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