Eco Friendly posted by

Microplastics In Our Food – these little bits of plastic are everywhere, even in us

Microplastics are everywhere. We talk about them all the time but it’s true, these tiny bits of plastic debris are being found in just about every body of water and on every bit of land, even extremely remote and uninhabited locations, and as a consequence of that, even in the food we eat.

These bits or small, microscopic and are eaten by animals very low on the food chain and then those animals are eaten by larger animals. The process repeats itself and some of those animals end up on our plates which means we consume the plastic that those smaller animals ate.

Finding a “plastic score” will help figure out what foods are heavier in plastic, information which is not currently known to consumers. Recent studies have shown that there is no immediate harm from microplastics found in our drinking waters but it is still vastly unknown what the long term effects of this may be.

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