Posts by tag: smartphone

Bookmark This! June 1, 2012 posted by

Survival Guide makes your smartphone a lifesaver [Freeware]

Never mind the hassles of fighting your way through department store sales day, you never know when things could get really rough. Like, eat or be eaten rough. And when that day comes you’re going to need a friend close by who can stop you doing stupid, and ensure that you have at least a fighting chance of surviving one night without peril.

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Gadgets May 11, 2012 posted by

iStuck gives your $1000 smartphone that added bit of class

What can we say about the iStuck Bubble Gum Phone Stand that will do it justice? Could we rave about the aesthetics of the design? Or wax lyrical about the colour options (pink!). Or perhaps we could mention that the product was inspired by a visit to a nearby High School classroom desk? Whatever we come up with, will not do this perfect smartphone accessory justice, that’s for sure. For those with an interest in the technicalities, the phone stand is made of rubber, and works…

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Gadgets May 7, 2012 posted by

EyeAlert helps you stay connected with your Bluetooth phone or gadget

There are four million mobile phones left in taxis each and every day by forgetful people. OK, so we’re probably exaggerating a touch, but it’s a huge number in any case, and we bet that every one of those good folk said ‘it’ll never happen to me’. The fact is that we do forget things all the time, and it can be massively annoying and disruptive.

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