Author Archives: caitlyn

Gadgets April 27, 2012 posted by caitlyn

HMDX Quad Alarm Clock will safeguard your room at night

Some of us have a bit of paranoia regarding burglars coming into the house at night. The thought of someone creeping into your room while you’re fast asleep is quite unsettling, and the only way to know if it’s happening or not is by filming your room at night. The only problem with that, is that most people nowadays know that a little red dot of light means that there is a recording device in their midst.

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HMDX Quad Alarm Clock will safeguard your room at night
Fun & Games April 27, 2012 posted by caitlyn

Swiveling Portable Chair makes you feel right at home

It’s not a bad thing to be used to comfort. We wear comfy clothes, sleep in plush beds, and sit in giant squishy office chairs, and it is exactly how we want things to be. The only problem is that when we go outside of our luxurious home, we are stuck dealing with fold out chairs and benches. It can be a little difficult to enjoy nature if you have to keep shifting around all the time.

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Swiveling Portable Chair makes you feel right at home
Recommended April 26, 2012 posted by caitlyn

SpeedClean BucketVac turns a boring bucket into a mini shop vac

If you think of having to clean up a giant mess, you would likely turn to a shop vacuum. They’re pretty heavy-duty and can handle just about anything, whether it be wet or dry, whereas your regular old dust-sucker can’t. If you don’t have one yet, you have some tough decisions to deal with. Should you choose a lower quality one, it likely will lose suction rather quickly, and a high grade is going to cost you a pretty penny.

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SpeedClean BucketVac turns a boring bucket into a mini shop vac
hardware April 26, 2012 posted by caitlyn

DashDrive HD710 is a water and shock proof portable hard drive

Many of us like to constantly update the world about the things going on around us. Whether it be pictures, videos, or blogs, we want to make sure that people know what we’re up to. If you are on the road quite often, there’s a good chance that there’s not going to be much room left on your hard drive if you are constantly dumping content onto them. (mainly videos are the culprit here)

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DashDrive HD710 is a water and shock proof portable hard drive
Recommended April 26, 2012 posted by caitlyn

Wiss Auto-Retracting Utility Knife might save your fingers

It is that most joyous day that you have been waiting far too long for. The package containing that super amazing thing you ordered is finally here, and all you need to do now is open it to receive its glorious contents. In your overzealous state, you grab for the box cutter, and immediately go for that first clean cut, and slice through the side of your thumb.

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Wiss Auto-Retracting Utility Knife might save your fingers
Bizarre April 25, 2012 posted by caitlyn

Resonating Transparent Speakers…made from SCIENCE

Upon first looking at this, I was somewhat impressed at the thought that these might be made of glass. Even though the general awe still stayed with me after finding out they are made of acrylic, it dawned on me that these Resonating Transparent Speakers would be a nightmare to clean if there are children with fingers that smudge everything around. Although, the sound quality they produce might still make this $180 purchase a worthwhile endeavor.

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Resonating Transparent Speakers…made from SCIENCE
Fun & Games April 25, 2012 posted by caitlyn

TeleTweet App lets you use Morse code to tweet

We have seen many crazy inventions that let you post a tweet through a machine that requires you to enter each letter via Morse code. This is an awesome way to not only learn a new method of sending messages, but is also an interesting nod to the past. Even though mainstream society doesn’t use it on a day-to-day basis, it’s still a pretty neat idea.

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TeleTweet App lets you use Morse code to tweet
Bizarre April 25, 2012 posted by caitlyn

Vacuum Brewer turns your morning upside down

French press coffee is definitely a favorite of mine. It has leftover granules that often sink to the bottom of your cup, and they can be a bit obnoxious as it feels as though you are leaving that last drop of coffee to be forever unfinished. Thankfully there are many methods to brewing all that caffeine goodness, so it is always a happy day to find out about new ways of going about your morning ritual.

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Vacuum Brewer turns your morning upside down
Mobile Tech April 24, 2012 posted by caitlyn

Ozaki iCoat Finger Case has a super tiny stylus for your phone

If you often use touchscreens, you have likely used a stylus once or twice before. While some may prefer swiping all over their screen with oily fingers, others may prefer to use a writing implement. Normally, this isn’t a problem as a stylus can be about the size of a pencil for an iPad, but what about your smartphone?

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Ozaki iCoat Finger Case has a super tiny stylus for your phone
Bizarre April 24, 2012 posted by caitlyn

Box of Laughter will always get your jokes

If you are an aspiring comedian, chances are you’ve seen a tough crowd. There is an equally good chance that you have also had a great audience, which fueled you to give and even greater performance than ever before. When you get a good response, you give a better show. That’s show business, right?

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Box of Laughter will always get your jokes
Gadgets April 23, 2012 posted by caitlyn

“The One” Keyboard satisfies your every need

There are many keyboards out there that have extra keys, or the allure of being mechanical. However, most of the time, we find ourselves switching out between two different keyboards. The one for your computer, then the one for your smartphone. Not only that, it’s rather difficult to move between PC and Mac if you are an owner of both types of computers. This is why “The One” Keyboard boasts being, well…”The One.” It performs very similarly to the Apple…

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“The One” Keyboard satisfies your every need
Bizarre April 23, 2012 posted by caitlyn

Acorn Slipper Socks mean no more taking your shoes off at the airport

If you are a seasoned traveler, you likely know that you will want to get to the airport bright and early to get through security. Putting all of your carry on items from big bags to bracelets into a bin is obnoxious, but the most annoying part of the whole process is having to take off your shoes. While most frequent flyers usually just wear slip on shoes, there are always better alternatives. You could always wear your slippers to…

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Acorn Slipper Socks mean no more taking your shoes off at the airport
Bizarre April 23, 2012 posted by caitlyn

Sauna Pants are a ridiculous way to lose weight

There are many diverse and insane ways to lose weight. Whether you take a natural detoxifying route or a rapid weight loss supplement plan, both will mean less weight. (I’m not arguing their effectiveness here) However, the most frustrating method I’ve seen is sweating the weight off. While I can’t say that letting yourself lose water weight through sweat is going to help you achieve your weight loss goals, it may help you shed a pound or two (for a…

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Sauna Pants are a ridiculous way to lose weight
Fun & Games April 20, 2012 posted by caitlyn

Inflatable Backyard Sports Arena makes your child a sports superstar

If you are the type who likes sports, chances are that your kids are going to grow up with a fondness for it as well. However, as much as they want to toss the ole pigskin around with you and your friends, it’s likely not such a great idea to include them in the game. Well, not a serious game that involves tackling and trash talk anyway.

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Inflatable Backyard Sports Arena makes your child a sports superstar