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BattCursor – freeware puts your battery state where you can see it


BattCursor is a clever little utility which puts the state of your remaining laptop battery power right where you can see it best, under the cursor. Simple idea, eh? And so very useful when you’re running down and worried about how much time you’ve got left before the machine goes down on you. Sometimes the simple ideas are the best.


The program will also auto-dim your display and disable Windows’ Aero to eke out battery life as it depletes –  as well as giving other custom options. Neat product.

 What is always visible? Your mouse cursor! Why do not show the battery power directly below it? That makes BattCursor does! It shows the remaining battery charge in percent directly below your standard mouse cursor where it is almost always visible…Also freely definable values of the mouse cursor of your choice translucent for example at low battery level yellow and a critical red. Nothing is more than what you in White is used at once yellow or red.

1 Comment

  • How is this much better than the well reviewed Aerofoil (which goes back to 2007 and is still updated)? Having the .net framework running is an awful lot of background bloat compared to Aerofoil.

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