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BufferZone Pro – the ultimate Internet security freeware


BufferZone Pro is a virtual sandbox freeware program which creates a ring of safety around your web surfing so you can download, install and play with stuff safe in the knowledge that your computer will remain virus and trojan free.


How does it work? Simple. It erects a tall wall made of candyfloss and marshmallow syrup around your computer hard disk, through which no nasty teeth destroying bacteria can penetrate. No wait, wrong press release. OK, so it creates a virtual folder or ‘buffer zone’ –  to give its proper Klingon name –  that prevents malware from writing to your hard disk.


That means safety from keyloggers, spyware, bots, worms and lots of other things that go boo in the night. Every so often you can ‘flush’ the zone to get rid of any creepy stuff you downloaded from the Net, and start again, fresh, new and invulnerable. Sounds cool eh? I’d give you a screenshot, except there isn’t one, just this red box around the screen which indicates you’re protected.

If you’re a fan of dangerous surfing, warez sites and the like, this is probably your perfect tool, and now that it’s free there’s no excuse not to grab it. Alternatively you could also try out the other free option, Sandboxie which operates in much the same way.

 With BufferZone, all programs or files that enter your computer through downloading, browsing or uploading with external media devices are redirected to a Virtual Zone (C:\Virtual). C:\Virtual is a special directory in your computer’s registry that keeps external programs and files in an isolated environment, separated from your trusted personal files and your PC’s operating system.


  • I am using Avira antivir for antivirus and hotspot shield for internet security. Both are free and dependable.

    I have also tried spyware terminator, AVG and Kaspersky in the past, they were all decent but kaspersky required very frequent update of the free licence to keep updating the virus databases.

  • Does not work for 64 bit, which means I cannot use it.

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