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Car Wash Gun – the foaming gun for cleaning your car

When I was a kid, washing the car seemed like a grand old time but now that I am an adult with the internet, a Netflix account, and air conditioning, I’m not so keen on the activity anymore. That’s why I need the Car Wash Gun, the gun that cleans your car faster so you can get back inside.

This spray gun shoots foam and coats the car quickly instead of you messing around with a bucket and a sponge to apply the cleaner. You can easily go over your car right away, layering on the cleaner and getting it done quickly. Wipe off, rinse, and you’re done!

You should wash your car at least sometimes and why not make it a bit easier? Attaches to a hose and can be unattached and stored with the rest of the cleaning supplies when not in use. You can pick up one of these for $33.99.

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