This Carpal Tunnel Wrist Wrap apparently provides relief from the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome using a 50 minute cycling treatment of heat and cool down. The device uses infrared LEDs to penetrate into the body, and the makers claim all sorts of superior benefits from the technology. For a price of $249.95, they would need to, eh?
Medical research has clinically proven that Anodyne’s Infrared Photo-Energy LEDs produce significant benefits in afflicted joints in normal adult subjects. These include raising levels of nitric oxide that increases circulation; increasing production of collagen — the essential protein used to repair damaged tissue; increasing lymphatic activity to drain fluids and relieve swelling; and reducing nerve-tissue sensitivity to alleviate pain. Scanning Laser Doppler Imaging confirms that Anodyne’s LED technology increases circulation up to 10X more than ordinary heat wraps, allowing your body to heal naturally, without costly medication or side effects.