Posts by Category: Awesome


Awesome January 25, 2013 posted by

RetroShare – the very best private communication suite for you, your friends and your business [Freeware]

Web services like Facebook and Twitter are very nice, but if you object to splashing your name and personal details all over cyberspace, you’ll probably be a little wary of committing your whole life to them. Especially if you’re living in a hostile environment where government snooping can lead to nasty consequences, even if you’re not doing anything illegal.

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RetroShare – the very best private communication suite for you, your friends and your business [Freeware]
Awesome January 25, 2013 posted by

Better Man Than He – one superb song + one MRI machine = awesome debut music video

We’ve got a feeling this is the first ever music video shot entirely inside a medical MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine, and it’s a doozy. It’s a fabulous song too, which helps. And no, no magnets were harmed in the making of this video. Full video after the jump.

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Better Man Than He – one superb song + one MRI machine = awesome debut music video
Awesome January 24, 2013 posted by

Google Linear Book Scanner – if you want to see just how fast clever open source ideas can spread, watch this…

Google engineer Dany Qumsiyeh has spent his 20% free project time at Google to produce an ingenious automatic non-destructive book scanner, using low cost components and a vacuum cleaner. Yes, a household model. The thing about book scanners is they’re either fiendishly expensive to buy because of all the technology needed to keep the pages safe, or they’re cheap and kind of cumbersome, requiring manual page flipping and button pressing to do the job. Enter Dany’s design, which is cheap…

Continue Reading »Google Linear Book Scanner – if you want to see just how fast clever open source ideas can spread, watch this…
Google Linear Book Scanner – if you want to see just how fast clever open source ideas can spread, watch this…
Awesome January 23, 2013 posted by

Keep refrigerators out of landfills – get them shredded instead!

In the U.S. alone, around 9 million fridges are tossed out or end up in landfills each year. And they, along with the hazardous chemicals then contain and the greenhouse gasses they emit, definitely aren’t biodegradable. But a partnership between General Electric the EPA, the Home Depot and the Appliance Recycling Centers of America (ARCA), now provides a green solution – shredding old fridges. Over the past year, ARCA has recycled more than 100,000 refrigerators and freezers, using a massive…

Continue Reading »Keep refrigerators out of landfills – get them shredded instead!
Keep refrigerators out of landfills – get them shredded instead!
Awesome January 23, 2013 posted by

Mega – the fastest growing web service of all time?

Well in case you haven’t heard, welcome back from the moon, and yes Kim Dotcom’s Mega free file storage site has launched. Not only launched, but exploded on the world actually. What is it? Well apart from now becoming the largest New Zealand hosted site in the world in just 3 days (beating out it is a direct rival to file storage services such as Dropbox, which has seen a large dip in traffic since Mega launched. But what…

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Mega – the fastest growing web service of all time?
Awesome January 23, 2013 posted by

Steampunk Watch – chrononauts unite!

By this point you likely have at least heard of Steampunk. Think Victorian era and technology like that of Star Trek smooshed together. This is a very wonderful aesthetic, ripe with metals, leather, and other more archaic crafting skills. There are plenty of items out there that are worth looking at, but if you want something more than a painted Nerf gun or a kitschy item with gears glued on it, you’ll have to be willing to put out the…

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Steampunk Watch – chrononauts unite!
Awesome January 21, 2013 posted by

Filabot – recycle your household trash to make useful products

You’ve all probably heard about 3D printing by now, but just in case you haven’t, it’s likely to be a huge market in a few years time as the technology evolves. We first started raving about 3D printing four years ago, and the tech looks like it’s finally starting to come together. When you remember that most technologies take around 10 years to hit mainstream, we’re still on the right trajectory. The process basically involves using plastic string (or filament…

Continue Reading »Filabot – recycle your household trash to make useful products
Filabot – recycle your household trash to make useful products
Awesome January 21, 2013 posted by

Give Mondays – an anonymous community of givers who start the week with a random act of kindness

There are times when you feel proud to be a member of our crazy, chaotic, insane civilization, and often these periods result from discovering that people are capable of kindness for no reason at all, other than it feels right. It kind of restores your faith in humanity and demonstrates that it’s not all ugly out there.

Continue Reading »Give Mondays – an anonymous community of givers who start the week with a random act of kindness
Give Mondays – an anonymous community of givers who start the week with a random act of kindness
Awesome January 16, 2013 posted by

Razer Edge Pro Gaming System is the world’s first crowdsourced gaming tablet

Playing games on your tablet is fun and all, but compared to your PC it doesn’t stand a chance. You can’t exactly put your whole computer setup in your bag, and are stuck playing PC games at home, or maybe a LAN if one crops up. Can you imagine what it would be like if your tablet were just as powerful as your rig?

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Razer Edge Pro Gaming System is the world’s first crowdsourced gaming tablet
Awesome January 16, 2013 posted by

IllumiRoom puts you in the middle of the action

If you are an avid gamer, then you are likely searching for ways to make your experience more and more immersive. We’ve seen virtual reality helms and the like in the past, but nothing has really been over-the-top outstanding. While a wall-sized projector is about the closest we can get at the moment, it doesn’t mean there aren’t some amazing things on the horizon.

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IllumiRoom puts you in the middle of the action
Awesome January 8, 2013 posted by

Adobe offering complete CS2 software suite…FOR FREE! [Freeware]

Adobe is turning off the authentication servers used with its Creative Suite 2 (CS2) software of several many years ago. The upshot is they’re handing out the software and the serial numbers in case anyone is still using it. This isn’t the 30 day free trial, it’s the whole shebang; Photoshop, Acrobat, Premiere, GoLive everything. Yes it’s old and it probably only runs on OS/2 XP but if your boss won’t spring for Photoshop or Premiere and you’re in a…

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Adobe offering complete CS2 software suite…FOR FREE! [Freeware]
Awesome December 14, 2012 posted by

The Escape Belt means easy underwater release

The idea of being unable to release your seatbelt in car that’s landed in the water is all too real. In that kind of emergency, when fear and panic so quickly set in, the Escape Belt is a super-useful device to have. Developed by the Dutch company Fijen TMLS, this life-saving device attaches to a car’s existing seat belt buckle (the part with the button, that the belt’s tongue plugs into) and incorporates a small salt pill. When water rushes…

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The Escape Belt means easy underwater release
Awesome December 14, 2012 posted by

Type Fu – excellent tool helps you learn to type for free in your browser

You can’t get away from keyboards. Even the coolest smartphone in existence eventually pops up a keyboard for you to use when entering data. Sure they’re trying to make voice recognition work, but it’s a long way from being as quick and easy as a keypad, so even if you hate typing, you’re stuck with it. Sorry. But how about improving your typing speeds to get revenge on Mr Qwerty?

Continue Reading »Type Fu – excellent tool helps you learn to type for free in your browser
Type Fu – excellent tool helps you learn to type for free in your browser
Awesome December 11, 2012 posted by

9 Months, 9000 miles with a 2012 Chevy Volt – mythbusting the amazing GM eco car [Review]

The 2012 Chevy Volt is charging ahead in the electrifying battle to become the #1 plug in hybrid. OK, so how cheesy an opening is that, but the reality is that for the first time since the horse drawn carriage, gasoline is slowly becoming more of an optional part of the personal transportation equation. At least that’s the way it seems right now…gas powered skateboards may change the balance once again if they get popular. But I digress.

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9 Months, 9000 miles with a 2012 Chevy Volt – mythbusting the amazing GM eco car [Review]