Posts by Category: general

general May 31, 2002 posted by

Free open source RTS game engine

FreeCraft is something which should send a shiver up the spines of the established game development business – a free open source real time strategy engine developed and distributed on most operating system platforms (except Windows XP for some strange reason). A perfect way for wannabe Command & Conquer programmers to get their teeth into a ready built engine and create their own multiplayer masterpiece. If this kind of thing catches on, what price Electronic Arts then, eh?

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general May 31, 2002 posted by

Free online virus checker

Trend Micro is now offering a free online virus checking service. Just log on to House Call, select the local drive/s you want tested and press scan. You can also specify that the service automatically clean out any viruses it finds. I’m not sure just how long it will remain free, but grab it while you can.

Continue Reading »Free online virus checker
general May 31, 2002 posted by

Los Angeles International Airport

A fascinating look at the real live air traffic over LAX right now. [Via] True anoraks can check out this live LAX Web cam to take a look at the planes landing, and listen to live audio feeds from air traffic control here! Needs Real Player. Update: And here’s Atlanta, Las Vegas and Louisville. If you want to get a good look at the current US air traffic as a whole, check the FlightView site. Expect to see over…

Continue Reading »Los Angeles International Airport
general May 30, 2002 posted by

PocketTop infra red keyboard

The PocketTop infra red keyboard provides a novel method of adding a keyboard to your PDA. Instead of relying on cables, it uses the infra red port, which means that it should work with any IR enabled PocketPC or Palm PDA on the market. You still need to install the relevant software drivers of course, so it isn’t that universal, although who knows, maybe one day we’ll see a version for the new range of smartphones about to hit the…

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general May 30, 2002 posted by

The Cyclone recyclable phone

Mmmm, the Cyclone – yet another disposable phone from the land of the free. It uses 3 standard AA batteries, should cost less than $40.00 and works on a prepaid top up voucher basis. At the present time plans are for the phone to be sold in the USA and Canada, with no news of an international launch.

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general May 30, 2002 posted by

Free browser security check up

The Qualys Browser Check Up is a free service designed to identify any potential security vulnerabilities in your Internet Explorer browser. It only supports the Windows version at the moment, but does offer the latest Microsoft patches for you to download should it find any glaring holes. In practice, of course, every version of IE seems to come equipped with such holes as standard , so finding them shouldn’t be too much of a surprise. Nevertheless a neat site.

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general May 28, 2002 posted by

Bluetooth products galore

The Blue Unplugged site stocks a veritable feast of Bluetooth products in its catalogue; including items like the tiny Motorola headset and 3Com USB adapter for PCs and laptops above. And what’s more it sells in multi-currencies too.

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general May 28, 2002 posted by

Music humour

The site bills itself as ‘making fun of music, one song at a time’, and judging by the content they are certainly on the right track (arf arf). The two key parts of the site are a song parody section (which really should be called lyric parody) and the excellent ‘misheard lyrics’ area. I bet you thought it was ‘So why I love to come home?’ in the Beatles’ A Hard Day’s Night, didn’t you? Hah!

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general May 28, 2002 posted by


Veteran game developer Peter Molyneux is working on a new game title called The Movies(warning – stupid pop up advert), where the player gets the chance to play at being the boss of a movie studio in Hollywood. The storyline sounds great – you start off in the 1920s and build your studio up hopefully through making a series of blockbuster hit films. Peter is a great ideas guy – as well as coming across as a nice guy in…

Continue Reading »…aaand…..ACTION!
general May 28, 2002 posted by

Play Quake on your sidewalk

Erm…it seems that these geeky folk have gone and created the Augmented Reality Quake system (Arquake) which will allow you to play the 3D shoot ’em up game Quake through a sort of virtual reality headset coupled to a GPS satellite tracking system. This means that you can walk around your neighbourhood shooting monsters and the like with your special virtual gun. It’s a research project at the moment, but if this catches on it could play havoc with the…

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general May 28, 2002 posted by

Celebrity shares

Need to give your party that extra special something? Why not hire a look alike celebrity? OK, some are definitely a bit dodgy, but some look excellent.

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general May 23, 2002 posted by

The world as a library

The BookCrossing site is an innovative attempt to help distribute books in an ‘underground’ way – in some cases literally. The idea is that people should register their books with the site, and then, after they’ve been read, leave them around in various places for others to pick up and read. These people then can pass them on in the same way when they have finished. The result is a sort of ad-hoc free library stretching across the world. It…

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