Posts by Category: yeah, right!

And I’ve got this bridge to sell…

yeah, right! December 1, 2004 posted by

200 miles per gallon.

200 miles per gallon carburator system. Yours for $1 million. Sounds like a bargain to me. Mmm…so what’s the payback period on that if I travel 5000 miles a year, I wonder?  THIS SYSTEM WAS DESIGNED ABOUT 1939 AND WAS QUITELY [sic] SET ASIDE. FOR SECURITY REASONS WE REMOVED A COUPLE OF ITEMS BEFORE PICTURES, ALSO THIS IS A NEW E-BAY SITE THAT HAS NO FEEDBACK…THIS SYSTEM WILL ALSO ALLOW YOUR ENGINE TO NO LONGER REQUIRE POLLUTION CONVERTER EXHAUST COMPUTER…

Continue Reading »200 miles per gallon.
yeah, right! December 1, 2004 posted by

Logo player.

Spectra Corp has come up with a new CD tech called Media Coat which will let companies put advertising on the playable side of the discs as well as on the label side. Joy!  Spectra Systems Corporation has developed a new medium for advertising, promoting and building brand awareness using optical media products. This unique technology called MediaCoat allows the placement of text and colorful graphics on the play side of CD’s and DVD’s without interfering with playback performance.

Continue Reading »Logo player.
yeah, right! November 29, 2004 posted by

Gomez peer.

The Gomez Peer Community. I think we’re talking about $5.00 a week here at full speed. Don’t order the Porsche just yet, eh?  Imagine telling your friends that your computer earns money while you are sleeping! It could happen if you are selected to be an Active Gómez PEER in the Gómez PEER Community…Every month, Gómez will distribute cash earned by Active Gómez PEERs using its online payment partners PayPal and e-Gold.

Continue Reading »Gomez peer.