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CellBlaster UV Cell Phone Sanitizer

There can never be enough cleaning supplies in the world to keep up with how many germs there are. One of the biggest things that I hate touching on a consistent basis but have to is my phone. I know that may sound strange, but there are times in the day where I can run to the bathroom before washing my hands to touch my phone. Even though I might come out of the bathroom with more germs than I went in with just by touching the faucet.

Thankfully there are other germaphobes out there that feel my pain, and have created the CellBlaster UV Cell Phone Sanitizer. This device looks like a tin-foil lined makeup compact, but will bathe your phone in short wave ultraviolet light that is supposed to kill 99.9% of the germs, viruses, and bacteria that are lurking around on your mobile. It only takes 30 seconds, and even has a small gap to let you charge your phone whilst cleaning it. Multitasking is a beautiful thing. There isn�t a price on this bad boy just yet, but I�m going to keep my eyes peeled for it.


  • This seems like something only a true germaphobe would want. I can imagine that there might be a demand for a quick and easy way to sanitize mobile devices, but this seems more like something you would find in a clean room than the average house.

    Then again, this probably isn't aimed at the average house.

    • I would really start pressuring my employer if they came up with one for computer keyboards.

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