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Click ‘n Cook saves space in your kitchen

If you were to go into your kitchen and fetch a spatula, how many would you have to choose from? Somehow over the last few years I’ve managed to acquire five or six of them. They tend to take up a bit of space in the drawer beside my sink, but since they get used, I don’t feel like getting rid of any. Well here is a neat kitchen set that might clear up some drawer space.

This Click ‘n Cook modular spatula system is rather ingenious. You have one handle, and five different attachments. Just push the handle into the one you want to use, and you’re ready to cook. It looks nice, saves space and only costs $35. Not too bad of a deal in my book.


  • I don't see how in having to use but one tool at a time is "ingenious".

  • @kookla…. How many spatulas do you need to use at one time?

  • I keep my spatulas and spoons and whatnot in a drawer. Most people I know either do that or keep them all in a big can. I fail to see how putting a crappy plastic doohicky on my counter saves space.

    In fact, this thing looks like a spectacular waste of space, and like it isn’t very thoughtfully designed. For instance: why does the handle stick out the back of the base in storage? That’s eating like 4 square inches of counter space for no reason at all. The coupling mechanism for the handle also looks like it would get dirty like crazy and be impossible to clean.

    I think this thing is silly.

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