The CPC Wristband is…ahem…a wristband. Stick the band around your wrist, slot the phone into the hole (they call it a pocket, but we know better don’t we readers?) and there you go. Hands free phone calls all day long. Who needs stinky old Bluetooth anyway, eh?
Erm…this is either complete genius or just totally off the chart. For $25.99 we’re tending towards the latter, although there is a SPECIAL OFFER of a a free unit for a lucky 2000 readers. You’ll just have to pay the shipping fees of $9.77. Heh, how we loves these clever Internets marketings peoples. We kiss you!
The CPC WristBand is the world’s first and only hands-free cellular wristband accessory on the market that allows drivers over the age of 18 talk legally on the cellphone while driving. The Hands-Free cellular Wristband has been approved by Police Departments in the following countries: United States, England, Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, Israel and Japan.
Two words – Duct Tape
One word – LOL
TWO WORDS – Don’t Care