The internet is a crazy place. Between emails, status updates, tweets, news articles and more, there is a lot of information coming at you all at once. The trouble is actually finding a way to harness all of that information and make it work for you. I think I have stumbled onto one of the greatest tools that can help make the most of your internet experience. It’s called ifttt.
ifttt sounds pretty boring, but it stands for �if this then that.� Programmers out there will recognize this as a phrase that comes up in their code. So what does this have to do with you, and your Twitter feed? What you do on ifttt is pick a trigger, then select an action to happen when the former happens. An easy example would be to set to trigger to be whenever you make a Facebook post. Then you could set the action to make a tweet with the same text as your Facebook post. This would mean anything posted on your Facebook wall would automatically get tweeted.
Now keep in mind that the example above is a simple and obvious use. However, they have 35 services that can be used as triggers or actions. Within those services are a number of individual triggers or actions. The combinations are endless. To give some more examples, you could tell it to send you an email every time there’s a forecast for rain. Or if a stock hits below a certain number, you could get a text message. Want to get out of a bad date? Send a text to a certain number, and you’ll get a phone call a few minutes later. This is by far my new favorite internet service.
I've been dabbling with it for a while and have to say, I love it. Hoping they are able to add some Goolge+ functionality soon.
Is there any charges for using this service?