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Crowbar – the device that want to turn crows into garbagemen

Littering is the worst in general but cigarette butts are particularly terrible. The small pieces of trash are often flung into grass. The plastic parts take forever to break down and the butts themselves are eaten by wildlife (accidentally). One more reason to quit but until then, why not get nature to help out with clean up with the Crowbar, the litter solution that uses crows as garbagemen.

This neat little bird feeder reward crows who drop something into the bin with a piece of food. Crows are incredibly smart and social creatures. If a few of them are trained to pick up small bits of litter for treats, they will teach other crows in their flocks (more formally known as “murders”). In case you didn’t know, crows fly in groups of hundreds.

This idea is still in the planning stages and hasn’t been implemented as of yet. One thing to be concerned with however is that crows are REALLY smart. It likely won’t be long before they realize that more than just cigarette butts can be dropped in feeders for food. Check out the website for more information.

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