Something I hate about winter is that it is darn near impossible to use your phone with gloves on. The problem being, it�s too cold to not have gloves on in the first place, and you don�t want to take them off after your hands are sufficiently warm. It can be super expensive to buy a brand new pair of gloves just because they have conductive nubs on them.
Quirky has a dandy new product called Digits that are pretty much conductive hatpins�for gloves. They only run about 13-15 bucks and are tipped in silicone so they won�t destroy the face of your phone. These little nubs can be pinned onto the pointer finger and thumb (or whichever fingers you use to navigate your phone) and won�t impede finger movement. The only hassle will be if you have a lightweight glove material, or something like a leather glove where the hole won�t go away�ever.