We all get sick sometimes. Luckily for most of us, a lot of the problems are minor, coughs, colds, sore throats…the kind of ailments that come with living a fast moving urban lifestyle. The problem is how to get fixed without spending a fortune or wasting the time of the medical profession. Which is why more and more people are looking back in time to some of the old remedies that earlier generations used to sort out this stuff.
Earth Clinic is a massive community forum of home remedies for just about every ailment under the sun. What makes it work so well is the fact that the suggestions are delivered by people who have actually tried them out, and so you get to see both sides – the working ones and those which have a more dodgy history. In this way, with a bit of research you can decide for yourself whether to try something or not.
If you’re like me, then you’ll approach much of the material on the site with a cautious attitude, in which case you’ll probably get the most out of the information that’s on offer. And there’s a lot on there, ranging from the trivial to the life changing. The sheer amount of community advice on offer, along with a simple rating system and easy to read format, make it a cinch to evaluate particular remedies and see whether you’re convinced.
My recent experience was with ear wax, and one application of hydrogen peroxide as suggested did the trick in 15 minutes, and saved me a bunch of money on the brand medicines which I had been using without success. Not all of the remedies are as obvious however (the site really does love Apple Cider Vinegar for some reason) so you’ll have to make up your own mind on whether to experiment or not.
The site has been going and growing for 13 years, and now covers pets and supplements as well as the usual alternative and folk lore medicine, and because of its huge database it’s definitely worth adding as a bookmark for future reference. Bear in mind however, that in the end, proper professional medical advice may be the best way to solve more serious issues with your health.