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EggDrop looks like a mobile mashup of Craigslist and eBay

When you’re looking to buy or sell general household items online, it seems like there are two main places to do so. The first is eBay, the other is Craigslist. The former is good for ensuring you get top dollar for something that might not have a lot of potential buyer (or finding something rare). The latter is a great way to do business with local people, and not have to pay transaction fees. Well it looks like another company is wanting to get in on Craigslist’s share of things. How? With a new mobile app called EggDrop.

With this software, you can simply take a pic of your item, upload it, add a description and a price, and it will get organized automatically in their database. They also push people to deal locally, as they have no system in place for shipping. So how is this better than Craigslist? The biggest standout feature is the rating system. When two people have a successful transaction, they can leave feedback for each other (much like eBay). This helps keep fraud down to a minimum, and makes you feel a bit more confident when buying. The app is free on both iOS and Android platforms. It couldn’t hurt to download it and see what people are selling in your area.

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