Google have just announced their own place for business applications – they are calling it the Google Apps Marketplace . There is a spot on one of their websites where they are showing off fifty ( yeah 50) of their partners in this venture. You can check out the video right here.
This is clearly the next logical stage in Google’s plans for world domination, but there’s nothing wrong with that, right? Who wants to be using Microsoft Word in 2023? Look, many people are not big fans of Google and their privacy policies and I don’t blame them, but if Google helps to make the web better, then that’s probably a good thing, eh?
It’s no surprise they’re entering the business application market, after all that’s where Microsoft dominates and we know how well the two get along. And there’s no question that a fair percentage of the globe will welcome an alternative to the Microsoft application monopoly. I mean, come on, does anyone think that Clippy from Office was actually a good idea? Who trusts a freakin’ paper clip? A digital stapler maybe.
Watch for two things. First, will the Google offering be aimed at small companies primarily or will they shoot straight for the heart of the Microsoft cash cow in the enterprise space, and second how much prominence will be given to third party apps that connect directly with Google Apps. Already 2 of the top 3 on the home page do, expect that to become a feature.
The Google Apps Marketplace offers products and services designed for Google users, including installable apps that integrate directly with Google Apps. Installable apps are easy to use because they include single sign-on, Google’s universal navigation, and some even include features that integrate with your domain’s data.
Tags: freeware, google, google+apps+market+place
The first one I try is survey monkey for our homepage.