If you’ve ever looked into building robots, you know it can be rather expensive. Trying to construct a robot with legs can be an even more costly endeavor. Designs for such a creature are often closed, and oftentimes buying a kit will yield you technology that is quite behind on the times.
Joseph Schlesinger had a dream, and that dream was to bring robots to your home and to the homes of your friends. Not to cause any damage of course, but to finally give you the legged mechanical beast you have long desired. Its name is Hexy the Hexapod, and after a year of development, it is finally up for grabs, and at a reasonable price. This is a kit of course, but it seems as though $200 will get you the whole kit and caboodle while its Kickstarter is still going. All the files for this project will be posted online, but this is definitely a cheaper way to go in the long run.