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iCraze Adjustable Vented Laptop Table – make the comfort of your own bed more comfortable


If you have a laptop, chances are, you use it mostly on the couch and in your bed. It’s just the way things are. The iCraze Adjustable Vented Laptop Table makes working from bed that much more comfortable.

The iCraze is made from aluminum alloy meaning this is a very light but very strong table. It can easily be moved from the bed when not in use without a huge hassle as it weighs only five pounds. It also includes two vents to keep your laptop cool while in use. The best thing about this unit is that it can be adjusted for a wide variety of angles.

iCraze alone

This table is a great option for people who are bed bound due to injury or illness who may not have the strength or ability to sit up. This table allows users to choose an angle that suits them, even if it’s close to 90 degrees! It is easy to adjust and use. The iCraze Adjustable Vented Laptop Table is $35.99.

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