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Indigo Wind up Lantern


The Freeplay Indigo Wind-Up LED Lantern. It’s a bit of a fact that solar lanterns and other alternatives still leave you at the mercy of external forces in order to get light. The new Indigo product, however, illuminates for as long as you’ve got an arm handy. Heh, arm handy. Geddit? Ahem…anyway just a 60 second wind will give you 1 hour’s worth of light from the single LED. Using the cluster of LEDs will give less of course. Er…it might be worthwhile stocking up now, while we have the chance.

 Featuring a cluster of ultra-bright LEDs as the primary light source for space illumination and a second single LED directional light source. With the integrated Freeplay wind-up technology and mains recharge ability, Indigo is the most dependable lantern on the market. Ideal for everyday and emergency use, indoors and out, the Indigo puts the power in your hands.

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