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Ion Book Saver lets you scan digital copies of your books

If you’ve jumped on the ebook bandwagon, then there’s one problem that you’ve likely encountered. How does one get digital copies of books that they already own? After all, I have no intention of dropping money on a copy of a book that I already purchased once. One option is to go the shady route and attempt to pirate the book, which� you might want to refrain from doing for legal reasons. The other is to scan a copy of the book yourself.

Scanning an entire book is not something that would be very fun to do. Thankfully Ion Audio has a solution. The Ion Book Saver allows you to scan any book you own, with relative ease. A sheet of glass comes down to flatten out the pages, and a pair of cameras take pictures of each page. The biggest drawback is that you have to sit there and manually turn each page. The $190 price tag might be something of a deterrent as well.

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