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Ion’s Piano Apprentice

Music is a catch-all for our emotions. It soothes us when we’re sad, relates to our daily lives, and drives us onward. For those out there who wish to make a statement with music, but have no idea how to play an instrument, it can be a little daunting. The best instrument to start with is the piano because it utilizes both the left and right hand in complex ways. Although, 88 keys on a piano can drive a lot of people off, which is why the Ion Piano Apprentice is a wonderful place for beginners.

This only has 25 keys, and is meant for iPhone, iPod, and iPad owners. The Piano Apprentice works in tandem with an iOS app that will teach you the basics of playing piano. You won’t be seeing this hit the market until September, and it will cost $99. While I do think that this is an excellent way to test the waters in music, almost $100 is a hefty amount to use YouTube to teach yourself piano. There is a rather large likelihood that you could find a piano in a church, friends house, or music school nearby and teach yourself for free.


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