In order to save water, many people have turned to taking shorter (and sometimes less) showers. That’s great but there’s another spot in your bathroom where you could save. Your toilet. Some people just flush less but if that doesn’t seem like something you would be good with, there may be some hope in the future. LESS is a coating that makes the inside of your toilet so slippery nothing can stick to it.
LESS stands for Liquid Entrenched Smooth Surface and is a two part spray that keeps poop from sticking to the side. This, in turn, means less water needs to be used to flush your business while still making sure it’s all gone. The coating also keeps bacteria from sticking so your toilet will be cleaner in a variety of ways.
The substance is still being developed and is not on the market but developers soon hope it will be. The coating works on preexisting toilets and can be applied and ready quickly. Check out the video below for more info.